Age 6
Gender Female
Birthday 2018-06-27
Favorites Food - Rice & Chicken / Color - Pink / School Subject - Maths / Song - Cast your Burdens / Activity - Playing with toys
Meet Cathy. This little one is pretty shy at first. She lives in a household of 6 and is fortunate enough to still have a living mother and father. Her brother is also in the program, Mugoya Sudaice Ambrose. Her mother is a cook (a good one!) and her father is unable to work now because of a stroke a few years ago.
There are two sponsorship opportunities for each child. One to help cover school, this is for: school fees, one uniform a year and help with school supplies when we are able. The other to allow them to be a part of the weekly activities with the Ripples Child Program at one of our locations. This is for daily meals, clothes when needed, bible studies, games. Where they learn cultural dance, sports, songs and how to share about Jesus!